Leave Your Mark
The Leave Your Mark (LYM) podcast is about learning how our guests, high achievers who are also great people, have been influenced by their environments, experiences, and others, and how they, in turn, are leaving their mark on the world. Join us as we look inside the lives of amazing people.
Website: www.LYMLab.com
The host; Scott Livingston has been in the world of human performance for over thirty-five years. During that time he's trained, reconditioned, and supported the performance of some of the best athletes in the world. He's worked in the biggest performance environments and has seen what it takes to be the best in the world.
Follow him on:
Instagram @Kingopain
Twitter @Builtbyscott
Facebook PC page Scott G Livingston
LinkedIn @Scott Livingston
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Leave Your Mark
Mastering Change with Brad Stulberg
EP 341 is a return engagement with author Brad Stulberg. Brad's work explores the principles of mastery and well-being that transcend all capabilities and domains. His new book, Master of Change is about navigating change and finding a language that allows one to manifest change rather than be a victim.
He’s learned that whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, start a company, craft a creative masterpiece, break ground in mathematical theory, or raise a family, many of the practices underlying fulfillment, sustainable success, and well-being are the same, supported by scientific evidence, and available to everyone.
He is also the author of The Practice of Groundedness and coauthor of Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. These books explore the art, science, and practice of motivation, values-driven excellence, and maximizing one’s potential while realizing a more fulfilling and sustainable kind of success.
He has a coaching practice in which he intimately partners with his clients to apply the principles about which he writes. You can find his new book at https://www.harpercollins.com/products/master-of-change-brad-stulberg?variant=41003842404386
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You can find all things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab.com/free-lym-lab-starter/
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