Leave Your Mark
The Leave Your Mark (LYM) podcast is about learning how our guests, high achievers who are also great people, have been influenced by their environments, experiences, and others, and how they, in turn, are leaving their mark on the world. Join us as we look inside the lives of amazing people.
Website: www.LYMLab.com
The host; Scott Livingston has been in the world of human performance for over thirty-five years. During that time he's trained, reconditioned, and supported the performance of some of the best athletes in the world. He's worked in the biggest performance environments and has seen what it takes to be the best in the world.
Follow him on:
Instagram @Kingopain
Twitter @Builtbyscott
Facebook PC page Scott G Livingston
LinkedIn @Scott Livingston
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Leave Your Mark
A Solo Session on the Power of Mentorship
In this EP I decided to talk alone about an important subject to me, mentorship. Informal and formal mentorship can shape the experiences of your life. If it's done well, it challenges you to self-reflect and grow.
A good mentor will not only give you advice but will challenge you to understand why you want to do what you want to do in the first place. Making decisions is the easy part of life, understanding why you want to go one direction or the other is the hard part. We are not encouraged to look inside ourselves early enough in life. Instead, we are encouraged to follow the protocols of life, the directions acknowledged and advised by society at large. This leads inevitably to the mid-life crisis, the burnout, or the sense of disappointment that is often medicated by all the vices of life that become the insulation for the fear and pain of our circumstances.
It doesn't need to be this way, you can begin to find a quality internal compass much earlier in life that will allow you to follow a path you own and believe in, one that creates real fulfillment and joy. This is the reason I began the LYM Life Lab, and I begin a new cohort in September should you wish to join at www.LYMLab.com
If you liked this EP, please take the time to rate and comment, share with a friend, and connect with us on social channels IG @Kingopain, TW @BuiltbyScott, LI+FB Scott Livingston.
You can find all things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab.com/free-lym-lab-starter/
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