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Elite Operator Performance Nutrition with Dana Lis and Jennifer Gibson

Dana Lis and Jennifer Gibson Season 6 Episode 319

This EP features two world-leading sports nutrition practitioners, Dana Lis, and Jennifer Gibson.  Dana is a very talented high-performance sports dietitian with 15+ years in this role. She’s had the honor of working with many of Canada’s top athletes and sports scientists during her career. She has also worked nationally and internationally with many professional athletes including her current work as a consultant with the Sacramento Kings and the Golden State Warriors of the NBA.  

Jennifer Gibson is an internationally recognized sports dietitian with 17 years of experience in elite sports. Most recently, Jennifer spent 7 seasons as the lead sports dietitian and sport science coordinator for the Chicago Bears Football Club. Between 2006-2015 she was a senior sport dietitian and applied physiologist with the United States Olympic Committee and within the Canadian Olympic sport system.

In this EP we get into their combined belief systems and experiences and understand what they are trying to achieve through delivering high-level sports nutrition practice to all human performance pros.  Check out their Elite Operator Performance Nutrition course being held June 23-25 in Colorado Springs, CO https://www.performancenutritionpros.com/

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