Leave Your Mark
The Leave Your Mark (LYM) podcast is about learning how our guests, high achievers who are also great people, have been influenced by their environments, experiences, and others, and how they, in turn, are leaving their mark on the world. Join us as we look inside the lives of amazing people.
Website: www.LYMLab.com
The host; Scott Livingston has been in the world of human performance for over thirty-five years. During that time he's trained, reconditioned, and supported the performance of some of the best athletes in the world. He's worked in the biggest performance environments and has seen what it takes to be the best in the world.
Follow him on:
Instagram @Kingopain
Twitter @Builtbyscott
Facebook PC page Scott G Livingston
LinkedIn @Scott Livingston
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Leave Your Mark
A Girl Gone Strong with Molly Galbraith
This EP is a wonderful conversation with Molly Galbraith. Molly is the co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, and creator of the GGS Academy, the world's first and only Academy providing evidence-based, women-specific Certifications for health and fitness professionals.
Through her industry-leading Academy, she has certified tens of thousands of professionals in over 125 countries, helping them become the go-to coach for women in their gyms and communities.
You can find Girls Gone Strong here: https://www.girlsgonestrong.com/
If you liked this EP, please take the time to rate and comment, share with a friend, and connect with us on social channels IG @Kingopain, TW @BuiltbyScott, LI+FB Scott Livingston.
You can find all things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab.com/free-lym-lab-starter/
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