Leave Your Mark

Letting the Universe Handle the Details with Randy Goodman

Randy Goodman Season 6 Episode 353

This EP features Randy Goodman a sports physiotherapist in practice for 30+ years and currently the Director of Athlete Health and Performance for Sport PEI.

He built a thriving clinical physiotherapy business with multiple facilities in Kelowna, BC rehabbing and training elite athletes (NHL, NFL, NBA, NCAA, CIS, national teams, etc.).  He also ran Therapy Services in the Athlete Village for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic games.

Randy sold his clinics and consulted for a while but was loured to Vancouver to help good friends Rick Cellebrini and Dr. Jack Taunton start Fortius Sport and Health.  This cutting-edge facility at its peak had 70 practitioners and 110 staff with an operating budget of $12M.  After 3.5 years of commuting from Kelowna to Vancouver, he closed his involvement there and eventually found himself in PEI for life balance and to be close to his kids and grandkids and his wife Brenda's family.  

He loves developing and helping elite athletes recover from injury and achieve their goals, and inspiring, mentoring, and coaching sports medicine and science professionals to achieve their success.  

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