Leave Your Mark
The Leave Your Mark (LYM) podcast is about learning how our guests, high achievers who are also great people, have been influenced by their environments, experiences, and others, and how they, in turn, are leaving their mark on the world. Join us as we look inside the lives of amazing people.
Website: www.LYMLab.com
The host; Scott Livingston has been in the world of human performance for over thirty-five years. During that time he's trained, reconditioned, and supported the performance of some of the best athletes in the world. He's worked in the biggest performance environments and has seen what it takes to be the best in the world.
Follow him on:
Instagram @Kingopain
Twitter @Builtbyscott
Facebook PC page Scott G Livingston
LinkedIn @Scott Livingston
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Leave Your Mark
Building Your Own Powerhouse with Greg Wells
This EP features a return guest, Dr. Greg Wells. Greg is a physiologist who has served as an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto and is an exercise medicine researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In this session, we dig into his newest book contribution, Powerhouse. It's a handbook for anyone seeking to live a healthier and higher-performing life.
Greg is the CEO and founder of The Wells Group, a global consulting firm committed to achieving the moonshot of helping teams, schools and businesses become places where people get healthy, perform optimally, and ultimately - reach their potential.
For Greg health and performance, particularly under extreme conditions, are personal and professional obsessions. As a scientist and physiologist, he has dedicated his career to making the science of human limits understandable and actionable.
For over 25 years Greg has worked with some of the highest-performing individuals on the planet, including Olympic and World champions, as well as many high-performing corporations.
A veteran endurance athlete himself, Greg has participated in the grueling Nanisivik Marathon, 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Ironman Canada, and the Tour D’Afrique, an 11,000 km cycling race that is the longest in the world. He is also a travel and expedition adventurer who has journeyed through every imaginable terrain and condition in over 50 countries around the world.
Greg is the author of four best-selling books: Superbodies, The Ripple Effect, The Focus Effect, and now Powerhouse. He is also committed to inspiring children and young adults through his close working relationship with school boards and independent schools. He is also a dedicated father and husband. Many powerful insights in this session, enjoy!
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