Leave Your Mark

Reconditioning Freestyle with Jonathan Pelletier-Ouellett

Season 7 Episode 416

This EP fetures Jonathan Pelletier Ouellet. Jo as he is known by most is a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Physiotherapist with over 15 years of experience in the field. He specializes in athlete reconditioning following traumatic and chronic injuries.

Since 2008 he’s been a key member of Freestyle Canada.  From 2009 to 2018 he traveled with the Canadian Freestyle Aerials Team as their Strength and Conditioning Coach, Physiotherapist, and Lead Integrated Support Team (IST) member. During this period, Jonathan had the privilege of working at three Olympic Games: Vancouver 2010, Sochi 2014, and Pyeongchang 2018.

In addition to this role, Jonathan began working with Speed Skating Canada Long Track in 2018, where he continues to serve at the Quebec City training center. Jonathan also holds the role of Paramedical Lead for the team based in Quebec City.

He is also a passionate educator, lecturing in both the Kinesiology and Physiotherapy departments at Laval University. Additionally, he provides continuing education in kinesiology and physiotherapy, focusing on athlete reconditioning post-traumatic and chronic injuries. Please enjoy the ride!

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